If you are a therapist, and have been checking your calendar and thinking that it‘s time to evaluate new AAC options
You are already using Avaz, and would need a brief refresher course, then please join us for a FREE demo of Avaz on 26
Th Feb 2014, 3 PM – 4 PM PST. Choosing the right AAC app is a conscious decision, and we’ll cover the following items to take you through Avaz and explain how it can help children communicate:
- Customize Avaz for each child’s needs
- Learn how Avaz helps reinforce learning
- Discover Avaz features for children who need consistent motor patterns
- Find out what makes Avaz child-friendly
here to register for the webinar.
admin February 25th, 2015
Posted In: AAC, ASD, Blog
Tags: AAC, demo, FREE, Webinar